There are approximately 2500 Democratic Committee members in Allegheny County; two members (1 female & 1 male) from each district/precinct. Because the PDF list is very long, it has been separated into multiple files for easier reference.
The list is from the 2018 election and is publicly available information from the Allegheny County Board of Elections.
Municipalities: Aleppo-Marshall
Municipalities: McCandless-Pitcairn
City of Pittsburgh: Pgh Wards 1-14
City of Pittsburgh: Pgh Wards 15-32
Municipalities: Plum-Wilmerding
ALL Allegheny County voting districts are HERE.
14th WARD voting district MAP.
NOTE: Where there is no elected representative for a district, the Ward/Municipality Committee Chair may appoint someone to serve in that seat (appointments are not recorded in the linked docs above). Please contact your Ward/Municipality Committee Chair directly if you are interested in serving on your local committee. Here is a link to the ACDC site for local committee chair contact information.
Pennsylvania PA Pittsburgh Allegheny County Democratic Committee members Dems Dem Cmte mbrs cnty